The Syllabus of both qualifications is benchmarked along with relevant professional syllabi all over the world to address salient developmental issues necessary for complete professional education. It is designed to produce a Skilled Tax Practitioner, Administrator and Educator by every definition of terms.
The tax space is witnessing a major turnaround in the areas of policy, legislation, administration and tax practice. As a dynamic profession consisting of multiple disciplines, its syllabus must affirm its status as the melting point for the distillation and impartation of contemporary thoughts shaping those strands of disciplines from which taxation has birthed.
The Institute has therefore produced a slim, simple and concise syllabus with clear and distinct subjects tailored towards providing Tax Professionals a structure on the heavy task of delivering an efficient tax services and advisory for the mutual benefit of everyone.
Detailed syllabus is a follows:
Certified Tax Manager (Knowledge Level)
Certified Tax Manager (Application Level)
Certified Tax Advisor (Skills Level)
Certified Tax Advisor (Professional Level)
Certified Tax Advisor (Advanced Level)