The Institute is governed by a Council supported by nominated Committees. The role of Council is to oversee the strategic direction and governance of the Institute whereas the committees shall provide support in executing the strategic decisions.
CouncilThe Council is the governing body (Board of Governors) of the Institute and its members include senior members representing relevant professions including: Accounting, Finance, Law and Revenue. The first Council is nominated by the Trust whereas the subsequent Councils shall be elected by the members of the Institute and shall also include four members to be nominated by the Trust.
CommitteesThe Institute’s standing committees support specific areas of the Institute’s work, including on tax policy and members’ services. This structure enables Institute to consult its members and involve them in consultation on policy formulation. The committees comprise members from a wide range of sectors and backgrounds to ensure that all membership sectors and volunteers are supported by the Institute.
Each committee is chaired by a Council member and supported by the Institute’s executive staff.
The Institute’s committees include:
- Executive Committee
- Examination Committee
- Students and Members Committee
- Technical Committee
- Nomination Committee
- Publication Committee
- Disciplinary Committee
- Fiscal and Economic Advisory Committee
The Institute may form any other committee as deem fit and necessary.